Take a photo
Need a Photo?
You can order one of the following options...
- Take a picture of your gift being delivered in Ukraine, or
- Oreder a courier delivery ot your photo to Ukraine
Here you can order a photo of Recipient or send your own photo to Recipient with you complete order. What does it mean?
We take a photo of the Recipient at the moment of delivery - for you to enjoy!
Or we print and courier delivery your own photo to someone you choose!
We will send you a photo as soon as we get it from our representative in the city of delivery.
It usually takes 7 days to print the photo.
Try this with Flowers Ukraine!
Term of sending photos - 7 days from the day of Your order delivery.
Your feedback is greatly appreciated.
About us:
We welcome you in "Flowers Ukraine" floral shop - online service which helps you to deliver flowers, bouquet, toys, foods, complimentary cards, fruit and gift baskets to Ukraine and Moldova. The best florists and couriers at youк service since 1999.